Placement test German
Why to do a placement test
If you haven't taken part in a German course at the Language Centre you need the test result in order to find your course level. You can only register online for a course according to your test result.
Which test shall I take?
If your level of German is low, you should take Test 1 ("German for Beginners"). Depending on your test result, it allows you to register for German courses up to B.1.1.
If your level of German is higher and you want to register for a course higher than B1.1 you must take Test 2 ("Deutsch als Fremdsprache").
It is possible to take both tests. The time limit is 60 minutes for Test 1 and 25 minutes for Test 2.
Who can skip the test?
If you have finished a German course at our Language Centre successfully you can register for a course at the next level without doing another test.
However, if you want to skip one or more levels you must do another test and try to get the result you need.
When and where can I do the test?
Venue: September 23 - 9 am - on our homepage
Can I repeat the test?
You can do the same test only once during the test period. You can repeat it in the following test period.
However, you can take Test 1 and Test 2 during one test period.
What kind of test is it?
You will see 5 short texts. The first sentence is always complete. Then the second half of every second word is missing. You have to fill in the missing letters. You must write as many letters as you see, sometimes one letter more.
In Test 1 (German for Beginners/ Levels A1 – B1.1) there are 50 gaps in each text. So the maximum score is 250 points.
In Test 2 (levels B1.2 and higher) there are 20 gaps in each text. So the maximum score is 100 points.
See an example (Test 2) in the next column.
Example for a German test (Test 2)
Holiday on Ice
Eine neue Eisrevue feiert am 8. November in Hamburg Weltpremiere. Mit da___ ist da___ Eisprinzessin T. S. "I___ kann e___ kaum erw___ , endlich wie___ in gro___ Hallen a___ dem E___ zu ste___. Dass i___ nun d___ Chance beko___ , bei Holiday on Ice no___ einmal v___ Tausenden v___ Zuschauern z___ laufen, ma___ mich e___ bisschen ner___, aber vor allem sehr glücklich", sagt T. S., dreifache Deutsche Meisterin im Eiskunstlaufen und Drittplatzierte bei Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften.
Holiday on Ice
Eine neue Eisrevue feiert am 8. November in Hamburg Weltpremiere. Mit dabei ist dann Eisprinzessin T. S. "Ich kann es kaum erwarten, endlich wieder in großen Hallen auf dem Eis zu stehen. Dass ich nun die Chance bekomme, bei Holiday on Ice noch einmal vor Tausenden von Zuschauern zu laufen, macht mich ein bisschen nervös, aber vor allem sehr glücklich", sagt T. S., dreifache Deutsche Meisterin im Eiskunstlaufen und Drittplatzierte bei Europa- und Weltmeisterschaften.